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/ MacWorld 1997 November / Macworld (1997-11).dmg / Games World / Hot New Demos / Nuclear Hammer Demo (PPC) / NucHammerRes / NucHammerRes.adf / PICT_166.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1997-08-22  |  16KB  |  424x302  |  8-bit (174 colors)
Labels: crt screen | lamp | monitor | pole | seat | sky
OCR: GRD 15d 'Guardian Pn autonat pa sentry system. the GRD15d' 'Guardian' ue3 l ef fectively neutralize guerrilla syree against est tablished bases The pasn wa1shs in the 'Guardian' was developed I during 1 the Psian/Rfr rican conflict of 6902 pue has renained an eff fective 1eqwo3 B even uJapo tines parewoine established wa1sRs Guar veloped Rsian Rfrican 6982 tive